5 Reasons why ‘Me-Time’ should be a priority

5 Reasons why ‘Me-Time’ should be a priority

Me-Time. It seems like everybody is talking about it and it appears to be a much-needed element when promoting happiness and mindfulness. At the same time, mainly women and mums are generally pretty hopeless at claiming it. There is never enough time; always too little hours in a day, and there are too many other things to do that seem more important or more urgent. Here is why Me-Time should be a structural part of your life and a must be on your to-do list.

1. To bring inner peace
It’s so easy to get caught up in the hectic day to day. When experiencing that, allow your mind to just be. Perform a focused meditation; the kind where you focus your attention on one thing, such as the sensation of your breathing or a ceiling fan. It will bring inner peace to yourself; it will load your battery and it gives you the bravery to face this new task, day or week. It will also bring greater patience and a more positive attitude; two elements that will influence your surrounding family, friends and co-workers. Nobody can refuel your battery like you can. So, unless you take care of you first, you have nothing to offer anyone else.

2. To find and remember your own voice
Happiness comes from within. Things, places and even people do not make you happy or give you guidance. To listen to your own gut feeling and to your own voice, you need some time and space for yourself. What a beautiful thing it is to realize what it is that you truly wish to do or which goals you want to achieve in life.

3. To truly relax you are maintaining your mental health
The world will not end if you step away for a few hours or days. Self-Care is how you take your superpowers back. Stop pleasing others, taking time to rest is a necessity and is not something lazy people do. Be in the moment and be fully present. Free time to fuel your mental health and happiness. When we are mindful, we also reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness.

4. To maintain your physical health
You have to be in tip-top condition, especially when you’re a mom or taking care of others. However, you must realize that other people benefit from your "me time," as well. By doing things that feed you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, means working on your physical health too. Chances are you will sleep better too. You're cutting down cortisol which lowers your stress level, contributing to a better health. Putting long hours at work may seem a good idea, but it is not to your health and therefore also not the best thing for the company. Both stress and lack of sleep are two important elements that weakens your immunity. 

5. To feel a sense of freedom and truly happy
Feeling free also means feeling like there are no obstacles. If something you do, does not serve to make you feel good in and outside of yourself, get rid of it. Learn to fight and protect yourself. Don’t follow Instagram accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others and never stop dreaming because someone else is telling you so. Have that sense of freedom! Also, switch to standby for a change. Being constantly “on” does not do anyone any favors. Not you, not your family, your co-workers, your clients and not your friends. Stop feeling the need to do anything for others for a second. We all need a little freedom to feel happy.

Don’t wait too long to make yourself a priority. Start now before it’s too late and you lose yourself to the world.

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